Originally released on January 26, 2009 via Magic Bullet, this excellent split release between THIS WILL DESTROY YOU and LYMBYC SYSTYM (featuring exclusive songs from both bands) has now been reissued via Dark Operative.
Track List:
1.) Brutalism and the Death of the Machine (This Will Destroy You)
2.) Freedom Blade (This Will Destroy You)
3.) Processed Spirits (Lymbyc Systym)
4.) Notations (Lymbyc Systym)
5.) Narita (Lymbyc Systym)
Track List:
1.) Brutalism and the Death of the Machine (This Will Destroy You)
2.) Freedom Blade (This Will Destroy You)
3.) Processed Spirits (Lymbyc Systym)
4.) Notations (Lymbyc Systym)
5.) Narita (Lymbyc Systym)